School Info

Activities:  We offer a few different activities outside of regular class time.  The Activities page will give you the details.

Animals in School: We recognize that pets pose a wonderful learning opportunity for our students.  We also want to consider the health and safety of students, staff and animals.  To ensure this, all animals need to be approved by the principal, and owners must show proof of vaccinations and licensing before bringing an animal into our school.  So, please be sure to talk with the principal before making plans to bring an animal into the school.  These two documents provide further clarification around this animal policy.
Animals In Schools Signed Letter
Animals In School Policy

Assemblies: Assemblies happen at various times throughout the year and for a variety of reasons.  We always kick off the year with an assembly to remind students about our expectations and commitments. These slideshows are reviewed with students to provide some information and review expectations:

Grade 3-5 Day 1 Assembly -- September 2024

Middle School Day 1 Assembly -- September 2024

Vaping, Dress Code, and Behavior Expectations 
Middle School Presentations November 22

We went over different types of inappropriate language with students in this presentation: Inappropriate Language Middle School Presentation

Athletics: Wondering what's up with our sports teams?  The Athletics page has all of the information you may need for each team, including coaches, practice times and game schedules.

Bell Times:  What time do the students eat lunch? This page lists all of our bell times.  Please remember that we run two different schedules -- K to 5 and Gr. 6 to 8.

Classroom Information:  Teachers will post information about their classroom happenings through email and/or Google Classroom.  

Dances: We put on three dances each year for our grades 6-8 students, usually in December, February and June and they run from 6:00 - 8:30. 
This Dance Expectations slideshow is reviewed with students and this Middle School Dance Letter goes home to families as well.

Digital Citizenship: This is an important topic for all of our students and their families.  This Presentation has been reviewed with middle school students.

Dress Code: At River Valley, we have a conservative dress code policy.  It can be found inside of the student agendas.  This Dresscode PowerPoint outlines the key messaging.

Fee Payments: We are striving to become a "cash less" school and district.  As a result, school fees can be paid through Chinook's Edge's secure fee payment. If you do not have an account yet, you will be prompted to create an account and then all payments can be made this way. An alternative is to bring in a cheque or cash to the office. 2023-2024 School Fees 

PowerSchool:  We will be using PowerSchool Parent Portal to inform families of their child's teacher in late August.  Grade 5-8 students will also have their marks and report cards posted through PowerSchool.  If you have any difficulty accessing PowerSchool, please contact the office. 

Recess:  All students spend an hour each day outside during recess times.  This Presentation  reviews the expectations and processes we follow.

Reporting Absences: In order to ensure our students' safety, we ask that parents inform the school prior to 8:30 advising of your child's absence.  You can call in (403-638-3939) and talk to a staff member (either your child's teacher or the office staff), leave a message anytime on the answering machine or email your child's teacher.

Safe and Secure:  We strive to keep our school's learning environment as optimal, safe and secure as possible for our students.  This page outlines the rationale and procedures that we use to do that.   

School Calendar:  You can find the current school calendar on this page.  

School Newsletters: Each month, the newsletter that is sent home digitally, will also be posted to the Monthly Newsletters section of the website.  These newsletters include messages from the superintendent and principal as well as the calendar for the upcoming month and information regarding events. Other communication periodically is sent to families and can be found on our Other Office Communication page. All newsletters are also sent to families via SchoolMesenger.

School Supplies:  School supply lists (for each grade from Pre-Kindergarten to grade 8) can be accessed here. Grade 6-8 students also need locks and t-shirts for gym. This letter gives you the details.

If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please feel free to give us a call at 403-638-3939, email or stop by so we can answer your questions.