Sylvia DeWind

Phone: 403.638.3939
For the 2024-2025 school year Mrs. DeWind will be teaching Gr. 1 and Gr. 2
Key Role: Grade One and Two Teacher
I am excited to be returning to River Valley for this school year! I look forward to having a combined class of grade 2 again, and grade 1 as well. When I am not teaching, I mostly spend my time outdoors. I live on an acreage just north of Sundre, and take every opportunity to improve and make it my own. I also take time to appreciate it, spending time outdoors with our animals. I enjoy camping, quading, hiking, and riding my horses. I also love all kinds of animals. Before becoming a teacher I worked at a petting zoo for 16 years! I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of my new students soon!